Conditio Sine Qua Non Translation English
You can complete the translation of conditio sine qua non given by the dutch english dictionary with other dictionaries such as.
Conditio sine qua non translation english. Le persone o le merci non sono propriamente parti del sistema monetario ma ne sono la conditio sine qua non. With reverso you can find the dutch translation definition or synonym for conditio sine qua non and thousands of other words. Das ist für uns eine conditio sine qua non. People or merchandise are not really a part of the money system but they are its sine qua non condition.
Dit is de conditio sine qua non waarmee europa gaandeweg de rol van het tot wankelen gebrachte amerika kan overnemen in de financiële wereld. Wikipedia lexilogos larousse dictionary le robert oxford grévisse. Over 100 000 english translations of french words and phrases. English translation of condition sine qua non the official collins french english dictionary online.
Insistiamo su questo punto per quanto evidente.